Saturday, October 6, 2012

Challenge Update:

I've been a little behind updating regularly, though I do try my best. As far as the life improvement challenge goes, I'm slowly making more progress. I think about the mantra to put things back where they belong a little more often, and am happy to report that I did organize my plastic container cupboard yesterday as well. No more avalanche of plastic dishes!

I have also been going to Zumba Monday through Thursday nights, although I need to plan for next week and figure out what to do on Friday and Saturday instead. I did find a couple of super inspirational stories to motivate me to try a little bit harder next week. I'm going to make a workout schedule for next week, notice I say I'm going to so I really better do it.

I've made more time for studying, though I really really need to set a more specific time during the day to do it.

I wasn't able to do an actual craft this week, but I've found a picture that I really want to paint. I think I will start that Sunday night. Scratch that, I'm GOING to start that Sunday night.

I have two more traits I love about my hubby to add from Thursday and Friday.

Thursday- (the back story) My sweetie pie and I went out to lunch together (I can't say where, it's just too shameful...... ok Wendy's. There I admit it. Bleh!) But we will pretend I said something else, because everyone knows I'm supposed to be watching what I eat. Anyway! We were sitting there enjoying our... ehem, salads.... when Kyle randomly turned to me, and said, "Honey, you are so very beautiful." Wow right? It was one of those comments that takes you completely by surprise, so you can't even think of a good smart-aleck comeback. It literally took my breath away for a moment and made me blush. I felt so loved in that moment, and it was only a few words. So his trait for the day is absolute sincerety. I love how sincere he is, making it easier for me to believe it, even if it's just for a moment.
Friday- So I'll admit, I've been a little grumpy lately. Very grumpy somedays actually. And it never ceases to amaze me just how patient and understanding Kyle is. He never takes offense to some of the things I say (which I'm not even supposed to be saying in the first place due to the challenge) and he always tries to find ways to keep the humor there, and to make me smile. I truly do not deserve this Greek God of a man. This earned him the adorable trait of patience for Friday. What a lucky woman I am, because anyone who knows me knows that I do not have a patient bone in my body!

I will definitely have to do much better next week. But that's progress right?

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